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House Cleaning Tips, Tricks & Stories

House Cleaning Langley

Perfection Cleaning BC doesn't just offer great house cleaning Langley. We also offer residential and commercial cleaning services for Surrey, White Rock, Abbotsford, Coquitlam, Port Moody and more! Below we have put together this blog to offer a host of tips and tricks that we have found, researched and even used ourselves in our every day housecleaning. Be sure to bookmark this blog page and check back as we are posting new articles monthly.


  • 0 Cleaning Up, Also Means Getting Rid of Those Worthless Collectibles

    It’s fun collecting sports cards, toys, movies, and cars, but if you’re hoping for a return on your investment, then it gets tricky. Jay Leno’s car collection, for example, is a great retirement nest egg since he has lots of unique vehicles. However, most knick-knacks are worthless collectibles and won’t make you more money than what you paid for them. If you’re saving these items hoping they’ll eventually be worth something, it might be time to get rid of them because now they’re just worthless clutter. All of these items have been part of a collecting craze at one point, but not anymore. The collectibles at Nos. 8 and 14 are particularly surprising entries on the list.   1. Beanie Babies They were once influential, but now they’re worthless collectibles. The Beanie Baby craze was real and widespread, and their popularity makes them one of the most influential toys of all time. A few of the plush dolls, such as the royal blue Peanut the elephant and Princess Diana beanie babies can bring in more than $1,000, but the vast majority aren’t worth keeping.   2. Cabbage Patch Kids A few are worth a fortune, but most are worthless. Most millennials have no clue about these dolls that took the world by storm in the 1980s, and they probably don’t care. A sealed, vintage, mint-condition Cabbage Patch Kids doll could be worth a fortune, but the majority are worth less than the $25 price tag from the 80s.   3. Disney VHS tapes The nostalgia is priceless, but the movies aren’t. The best Disney movies instantly take us back to our childhoods, and that nostalgia is priceless. However, the overwhelming majority of Disney VHS tapes aren’t going pay for your new car. The supposedly limited “Black Diamond Collection” movies aren’t rare at all, according to Snopes. Sure, you might get a dope to spend $10,000 on a VHS tape, but in reality, you probably won’t get more than $5 for each film if you try selling your collection.   4. Franklin Mint products These items look great, but they’re not great investments. You can buy coins, toy cars, games, china and porcelain, and other items from The Franklin Mint, but you shouldn’t expect a return on your investment in the long run. Sure, the items look great, but they’re worthless collectibles, according to The Street. A John McCain $2 bill and presidential coins are unique, but they’re not rare enough to achieve true collectible status.   5. Happy Meal toys These childhood staples won’t net you much money. The 10-year old in all of us would probably say that the McDonald’s Happy Meal toys were the best part of the meal. A glimpse of a Micky D’s-branded Hot Wheels car, My Little Pony, or Barbie Dolls may instantly transport you to your childhood, but that’s about all they’re good for. You likely won’t get much more than $1 if you try selling them on eBay, so it’s probably not worth your time to put in the effort.   6. Hummel figurines They were once rare, but now they’re readily available. Many soldiers returning home from World War Two brought German Hummel figurines for the women in their lives along with them. The 3D ceramic figures were incredibly popular, so they produced more and more versions and sold them all over the world. What were once rare collectibles are now readily available, which makes them practically worthless. Plus, younger generations aren’t interested in collecting them, so there’s not really a market for the figurines.   7. Model train sets Model trains are mostly worthless collectibles. If you have a model train set, chances are it’s a Lionel, and chances are it’s merely worthless clutter at this point. As with anything, a few are worth their weight in gold, but the Lionel Collectors Club of America says most train sets don’t have a high collector value at all.   8. Newer sports trading cards Newer trading cards aren’t worth much. Yes, Babe Ruth’s bat and a Honus Wagner baseball card are among the most expensive sports collectibles in history. However, sports trading cards from the 1980s and 90s are virtually worthless. It all comes down to supply and demand. At the peak of the trading card boom in the 80s and 90s, companies produced hundreds of thousands of every card. There are so many out there now that anyone can buy any card they want, even a mint condition Ken Griffey Jr. rookie, for pennies.   9. Norman Rockwell collector plates Anyone can buy these plates at any time. Plates featuring Norman Rockwell’s slice-of-life Americana look great, but they’re not collectibles. Anyone who wants on can readily buy them online starting at $25, so there’s really no secondary market. You need demand to make something valuable, and since these plates don’t have that, they’re worthless collectibles.   10. Pogs A short-lived, niche collectible that isn’t worth much now. Some of the rarest pogs can be valuable, but by and large, these cardboard or plastic discs are just taking up space at this point. The 90s heyday of pog collecting was short-lived and was a niche hobby to begin with, so if you still have some, it might be time to get rid of them.   11. Pokemon cards Pokemon remains popular, but the trading cards are worthless. Pokemon GO turned our smartphones into battery-sucking immersed reality gaming machines. (The battery-draining part was a reason to hate the game). Even though folks from all generations, not just kids, enjoy Pokemon, the trading cards from the 90s are by and large worthless. Manufacturers cashed in on the craze by producing tons of cards, and there are so many out there that none are rare enough to command top dollar.   12. Recent comic books Anything from the 1980s onward won’t net you much money. Some comic books are worth big money, such as the ones where Batman, Thor, or Spider-Man first show up. However, most comics are utterly worthless. Almost any comic books printed from the 1980s onward have three things going against them. One, they feature characters who are already well established. A Superman comic from 1998 doesn’t have the same cache as his debut from 1938. Second, newer heroes coming onto the scene aren’t as beloved as the X-men or Iron Man, so their stories aren’t as prized by collectors. Finally, their resurgent popularity means publishers print more, so comics aren’t as rare as the ones from older eras.   13. Royal family memorabilia Lots of product plus low demand add up to worthless clutter. If you’re so excited about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s royal baby that you need to commemorate it with a decorative plate, by all means, go ahead. Just don’t expect to sell your collectibles for a profit in the future. The Telegraph looked at the secondary market for royal family memorabilia from over the years and found out there really isn’t one. Like the Norman Rockwell plates we discussed a minute ago, it’s all mass produced, so there’s more than enough to go around. Plus, it’s all poorly made, so it’s not going to stand the test of time.   14. Star Wars toys The right toys are valuable, but the rest aren’t. Just like with our comic book discussion, some Star Wars toys are worth thousands of dollars if you own the right ones. However, most of the action figures from a galaxy far, far away are mass-produced worthless clutter. You may love your young Anakin Skywalker toy from the prequel trilogy, but it’s one of the millions that rolled off the assembly line, so it’s not rare enough to truly be worth much money.   15. Vinyl records Most albums aren’t worth more than their sticker price. The very first copy of The Beatles’ The Beatles (the White Album), a rare Bob Dylan, and the first Elvis Presley recording are some of the most valuable vinyl records ever pressed. However, most LPs aren’t worth enough for you to retire, let alone pay your next electric bill. Most copies of classic albums currently on the shelves are mass-produced re-issues, so they’re not going to command top dollar if you decide to sell them. Plus, even if you have a vintage version of a classic record sitting around the house, it will only bring top dollar if it’s in pristine condition.   * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warrant any of the info provided here. Get rid of your collectables at your own risk.      

  • 0 Workplace Productivity Increases With Clean Windows

    Studies show that clean windows play a key role in office efficiency!   Studies show that a lack of sunlight in office buildings can negatively affect employees’ self-esteem and productivity. Psychology Today reports that natural light can drastically improve performance in the workplace and that there is a strong correlation between employees’ exposure to daylight and their subsequent sleep, activity level and quality of life. The more access to natural light employees have, the more content they report feeling.   Cornell University’s Daylight and Workplace Study, reveals workers seated by a window report an 84 percent drop in symptoms associated with computer vision syndrome, which is caused by prolonged screen use. These symptoms include eyestrain, headaches and blurred vision. The study also finds these same employees experienced a 2 percent boost in productivity. That’s the equivalent to around $2 million worth of value over the window’s lifetime. The average American spends 90 percent of their time inside, so it’s important to optimize the available sunlight through windows that are clean.   Dirt and pollution can build up over time and dim corporate windows. Dirty, obscured windows block valuable natural light and negatively impact worker productivity.   So, contact Perfection Cleaning today to get those small office windows cleaned.   **Note: Perfection Cleaning BC only does lower level inside & out window cleaning. Upper levels, inside only.  

  • 0 Fall Cleaning & Making Money

    Fall is a great time to declutter. With colder months approaching, you’ll be able to get the unnecessary clutter, dust, and germs out of your home before you’re cooped up in there for a while. What if you could better your finances by tidying up? These fall cleaning tips can help you save and make money.   Save Money Decluttering Your Home This Fall Yes – that’s right. In addition to making it easier to relax and unwind in your home, decluttering can help you save money. While you are decluttering and cleaning, you may realize that there are items in your home in need of attention. For instance, if you clean your windows, you may notice damages that may impact the ability to heat your home through the winter.   Another way fall cleaning may help save money is in maintaining some of your more expensive appliances. One great thing to do in the fall is dust and clean your refrigerator’s condenser coil. Doing this can prevent you from having to call a handyman down the road as well as keep your food at the correct temperature, preventing spoiled food items. Inside the fridge, you can also get rid of expired items and clean shelves to prevent illness (another opportunity to save).   Dusting the entire house while you’re doing your fall cleaning is recommended as well. Dust can build up and cause health issues and allergies. Getting rid of that will help prevent illness throughout the winter.   While you are in the kitchen, take an inventory of what you have in your pantry and make a list. This will give you an idea of what you already have and prevent you from spending unnecessary cash at the grocery store.   Lastly, don’t forget to flip your mattress! Doing so will extend the life of your mattress and, ultimately, save you money.   Make Money Fall Cleaning If you’re aiming to rack up savings through fall cleaning, you may also be interested in knowing that you can make money as well. While you are going through closets and getting rid of things, set items aside that you may be able to sell. Thankfully, with modern technology, you won’t even have to set up a yard sale if you don’t want to. You can post your items for sale online. Facebook Marketplace: The Facebook Marketplace is a great way for people in your area to check out the items you have for sale. It is essentially an online yard sale. Many of these “yard sale” pages have search functions for people looking for something specific so be sure you use good keywords in your description. People in the Saving Advice forums have chatted about their experience with the Marketplace, see what they are saying. Craigslist: Craigslist is another great place to post your unwanted items. Read about how to make money on Craigslist here. eBay: One of the more popular places to post items for sale is eBay. Many sales are auction-style and it can be exciting to watch the price of your items go up. Here’s how to make money on eBay. Even if you don’t feel like posting your items for sale or having a garage sale, you can still benefit financially by donating your items. Be sure to get a receipt when you make your donation so that you’re able to deduct it from your taxes next year.   Now that you know how decluttering and cleaning can help your mental, physical, and financial health, here is the ultimate fall cleaning checklist to get yourself and your home ready for winter. Would you add anything to our checklist? Let us know in the comments below.  * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods. Use at your own risk.    

  • 0 How Often You Should Clean Your Bathroom

    Even though smart showers, toilets, mirrors and more are now part of the modern bathroom, these technological advances still won't save you entirely from having to clean your bathroom often.   It’s usually asked how often people should clean their bathrooms. While some areas should be cleaned daily, there are other areas that should be cleaned no less than once a week. A regular cleaning schedule can prevent grime and germs from building up and save you time in the long run.   Read on to know how often you should clean your bathroom items.   BATHROOM RUG Once a week, toss the bathroom rug in the washing machine. Wash it on the gentle cycle in warm water and let it air dry (especially if it has a no-slip grip on the back) before putting it back. Always follow the washing instructions on the tag if you’re unsure.   TOILET If you live alone, you can probably get by with cleaning the toilet every few days. If you have kids, the rules change. The outside, handle and seat should get a once-a-day wipe down with an anti-bacterial cleaner or wipe. Most families can get by with cleaning the bowl once a week. If you have some tough stains or gunk in your toilet bowl, you can pour soda into a spray bottle, then saturate the stain with the drink. Let it sit for a few hours. The stain should easily scrub away with a toilet brush.   SHOWER CURTAIN Once a month, you should take down your fabric or plastic shower curtain, throw it in the wash.   SHOWER & TUB You only need to clean your shower and tub once a week, but if you have a glass shower door, it needs a little more attention. To prevent the build-up of soap scum and keep the glass looking spotless, use a squeegee to wipe away water after every shower. These few seconds can save you from scrubbing at the end of the week.   BATH TOWELS How often you should wash your bath towels depends. Washing after every three to four uses is a good rule of thumb, but there are some conditions where a towel will need to be washed after one use.   SINK The germs from your hands collect on the sink knobs and in the sink bowl when you wash your hands. So, even if you live alone, the sink needs a good wipe down every day with an all-purpose cleaner or anti-bacterial cleaning wipe.   MIRROR Like the sink, the mirror needs a daily wipe down to remove lint, dust and toothpaste specks. Simply wipe it down with a microfibre cloth after you step out of the bath or shower.   HAIR DRYER Yes, even your hair dryer needs a proper cleaning schedule to prevent it from overheating.   Of course these are all guidelines and we realize that not everyone has this kind of time. If that's you, then feel free to contact Perfection Cleaning and schedule a time for us to come clean your bathroom.   * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods. Use at your own risk.     Source: cnet.com  

  • 0 Mother's Laundry Trick For Baby Clothes

    • Laundry
    • by Administrator
    • 17-06-2018

    When you have children there's always "loads" to do. From feeding them and changing them to washing their clothes, a parent's work is never done.   Thankfully there are people among us who are clever enough to come up with sneaky ways to make this work a little easier.   For those that like to hang dry their laundry, this little 'hack' for baby clothes is so ridiculously simple that people can't believe they never thought to do it themselves.   Shared by a parent on a Facebook group called Nubs & Bumps, the post showed how you can hang out a baby's laundry if you've run out of clothes pins.   All you have to do is turn a onesie upside down and do the bottom up over the washing line or drying rack, using the poppers/buttons on the piece of clothing.   So far 55,000 people have commented on the post and more than 30,000 have shared it.   Many people have praised the idea in the comments.   One Facebook user said: "Be handy for the washing line outside, saving clothes pins and won't blow away. I'd never even of thought."   Another wrote: "Apparently what I've been doing for years is a life hack. I just do it because I never have enough clothes pins."   Some even pointed out that the trick could be used on other items of clothing: "I've been doing this for ages. I also do this with other clothing items that have similar fastenings i.e. dungarees, rompers, baby dresses even bras."   Others weren't impressed by the tip, claiming it would take far too long to do up all the buttons.   "This would literally take so much longer than chucking a clothes pinson each thing," read one of the comments.   But there was a solution for this as well!   Just do up the middle button/popper and you're good to go - and you'd also be saving some space.   If that weren't enough, one mother also revealed another top parenting tip in the comments that she wished she had known sooner.   Have you got a top parenting tip to share? Let us know in the comments below.   * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods. Use at your own risk.  

  • 0 When Spring Cleaning, Don't Forget The Car

    When thinking of spring cleaning, your first thought is probably your house. But you might also be forgetting about another place where you spend plenty of time, your car!   Germs travel into your car before you ever make it home.    Kevin Garey, an expert on infectious diseases, explained that germs of all sorts gather in the crevices of your car, the steering wheel and the gas and brake pedals.   The number one place where germs lurk is in a child's car seat.    "That’s compounded by the many illnesses that young children have, snotty noses that are being wiped and then wipe down," Garey explained. "If you're not cleaning that periodically, that can accumulate over time."   "I'd specifically be looking for C. Diff. because that can cause disease in vulnerable people, the elderly, people recently hospitalized, with antibiotics, these types of persons," Garey said.   Other common bacteria like E-Coli and staph may also be present.   Garey explained that exposure to germs may be good for most people.  However, for those who suffer from allergies, what's coming through and collects in an AC vent may not be beneficial to their health either.   So, if you have the spring cleaning fever, be sure to take it to the garage and tackle that vehicle of yours too! Heck, might as well tackle the garage while you're at it. ;)   * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods. Use at your own risk.

  • 0 That Old House Smell...What Causes It & How To Get Rid Of It

    Everyone knows that musty house odor is coming from somewhere. But where? Let's find out how to neutralize it. "Hmmm, kinda has that old house smell". Those dreaded words evoke something rather frightening and repellent to most homeowners. You know what we're talking about, right? It's that musty odor that creeps up and greets you the instant you set foot inside an older home. What is this mysterious stench, anyway? And more importantly, is there a way to get rid of it? Well, we are turning to science to find out.   What causes that old home smell? "Three things that musty old houses have in common: little ventilation, high humidity, and darkness," says Bill Carroll Jr., an adjunct professor of chemistry at Indiana University. That makes these places the perfect petri dish for mold to flourish, which happens to be the main purveyor of that "old house smell." That said, what you’re smelling isn't mold per se.   "What you're smelling are called MVOCs: Mold Volatile Organic Compounds," explains Carroll. "These are chemicals associated with a certain stage in the mold life cycle that are volatile enough to evaporate, but also have a strong enough inherent odor to be detected. The good news is that this funky smell isn't a health issue", says Carroll. "It’s just annoying — and probably more than a little embarrassing — particularly if you're trying to sell your house to people who wrinkle their nose as soon as they enter your home. Luckily, though, there are ways to get rid of the funk."   How to remove old house smell: Dry the place out "Opening up the windows and airing the place out - like your mother did when spring came - can help,” says Carroll. If your house tends to be humid and you’re sure you don’t have any leaks, "keep your air-conditioner or a dehumidifier running," suggests Carroll. Oh, and if you do have a leak of some kind - even if it's just a leaky faucet? "That needs to be fixed before any progress can be made," notes Carroll. (Progress meaning "fresh-smelling house.")   Let the sun shine in "Light, especially sunlight with its ultraviolet component, is a good disinfectant," Carroll notes. "After all, UV is used to disinfect water in some pool systems."   Clean your couch Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if that old house smell is coming from your couch, it may be more of an "old couch smell" instead. In fact, all upholstered furniture and your carpets could be culprits. "Soft stuff absorbs ambient moisture," says Carroll, which can lead to mold growth. Softer materials absorb "ambient moisture," says Bill Carroll Jr. "Worst case, all the soft stuff has to go or be professionally deep-cleaned," he says. If you work hard to reduce the humidity in your house, over time, the soft stuff may relinquish some of its ambient moisture as well, dry out, and start resisting mold growth. "But that takes time, because it takes a while for the moisture deep inside the furniture to migrate out," Carroll says. "And a good cleaning of the hard surfaces with a disinfectant doesn’t hurt either."   Deep-clean the guts of your house "Furnaces and air ducts can have a tremendous amount of mold that can grow in them when they’re not being used," says Leslie Reichert, cleaning expert and author of "The Joy of Green Cleaning." Not to mention that air-conditioners can also trap mold and mildew in their filtering systems. If you think these little tunnels are the source of the smell in your home, hire an HVAC professional, who can actually use a tiny camera to make sure all the gunk is located - and removed.   Declutter under every sink "Nope," you may be thinking. "I don’t have any leaks." But if you’ve got a gazillion cleaning supplies and sponges under your kitchen sink and two gazillion beauty products, would you really know? So clean it out. "Getting things out from under the sink lets you see if anything is dripping or molding," says Reichert. "Also, you can check for dampness or leaking in the piping."   Wash your walls Walls can waft an old house smell, too. Reichert advises dissolving a half cup of borax in a bucket of hot water (32 ounces), then adding 2 cups distilled white vinegar and 16 ounces of hydrogen peroxide. Right away, wipe down your walls and let them air dry. "This will remove grease, dust, and mildew, and also remove smells that have embedded into wall surfaces or wallpaper," Reichert says. Repeat whenever you catch a whiff of a "stale" smell.    Neutralize the air An open container of baking soda or white vinegar, kept in an unobtrusive place (for example on top of your kitchen cupboards), can help absorb smells and clear the air. Experts also recommend FreshWave or DampRid, two all-natural substances that absorb smells and trap excess moisture in the air.     * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods. Use at your own risk.

  • 0 Implementing The One Minute Rule

    The one-minute rule was created by Gretchen Rubin and is a fairly new concept for making it simple to stay on top of your cleaning and organizing. If you often find yourself procrastinating your household chores this is perfect for you!The one-minute rule is truly as simple as it sounds. The idea is to do any simple tasks that come along during your day that take one minute or less. Removing these small tasks from your to do list immediately ensures they get done and takes procrastination out of the equation. We’ve all been there- we walk in the door at the end of a busy day, drop our coats, shoes, backpacks, purses, etc. and move on to preparing dinner, bathing kids, making lunches or whatever else needs to be done. Around comes bedtime, and your coats are still in a heap, shoes are all over the porch, and the mail is piled up which are all things that you’re not going to want to do on your way to bed. Implementing the one-minute rule ensures that you’ll never be faced with this kind of situation again.Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Look around the room you are currently in. Are there papers misplaced? A coat tossed aside? Dishes in the sink? Whatever you may be seeing is likely something that you could have taken care of in a minute or less, earlier. Almost every mess or disorganized space in our homes or offices has gotten that way because we procrastinate small tasks which pile up on one another and become huge tasks before we know it.Here are some examples of how you can implement the one-minute rule into your home.1. Wash your breakfast dishes as soon as you are done eating. Most of us have a quick breakfast before we head out which doesn’t require more than a handful of dishes. It only takes a few seconds to wash them and it’s always nice to come home to a clean kitchen.2. Fold your small loads of laundry as soon as they’re done in the dryer. Laundry is one of the easiest things to get piled up. Folding your small loads as soon as they are done drying will ensure you don’t have a pile of laundry you have to pick through to find matching socks every day.3. Put your shoes away in the closet as soon as you arrive at home. It only takes an extra ten seconds to open the closet and set them inside to avoid tripping over them later.4. Hang up coats, backpacks, purses, etc. as soon as you walk in the house. Take your kid’s lunch boxes out and get them lined up and ready for the next day too!5. After picking up your mail, open all envelopes immediately. Discard any junk mail and place items you need to take care of in a spot they won’t get lost. This will help avoid having piles of papers take over your kitchen. Implementing the one-minute rule can be a bit of an adjustment but its well worth it and can free up your evenings and weekends so you have time to do the things you love.Still not sold on it? We can help with that too! Book your spot with Perfection Cleaning today. ​

  • 0 10 Common Cleaning Myths

    When it comes to cleaning, there are a lot of misconceptions and inaccurate information. Perfection Cleaning is here to set the record straight to ensure you have the proper information to keep your home safe and tidy.Myth 1: Bleach is an idea cleaning agent for every surface in your home. While bleach kills germs quickly, it’s not great for breaking down build up on surfaces. Aside from that, bleach can be harmful to use if you have children or pets especially in strong concentrations. If using bleach, be sure to be wary of the concentration and only use it in areas where it will not affect more sensitive individuals in your home.Myth 2: Any cleaner will do. Many people simply grab a bottle of cleaner from the store and start spraying everything at home with the same cleaner. It’s true that there are many good multipurpose cleaners out there, but that doesn’t mean they are all multipurpose. Always pay attention to the label and determine where it will be of best use in your home.Myth 3: Cleaners need to be sprayed on and immediately wiped off. There are many products out there that work right away and do not require soaking, however, that’s not true for them all. Some products are required to sit for a period of time in order to work effectively leaving a sanitized surface behind. Always read the instructions on the bottle to get the best results possible.Myth 4: Bleach works best with hot water. Many people believe these two are a perfect match, when truthfully the combination can leave white surfaces with a yellow tinge. To avoid these stains, never mix bleach and hot water.Myth 5: Vinegar is an effective disinfectant. Vinegar is great for removing gunk from surfaces, but it does not kill all germs. When it comes to cleaners including vinegar, you need to determine what you are trying to clean with it. Vinegar may work for some germs but not all which is important to remember if it’s the cleaner of your choice.Myth 6: Using detergent makes everything cleaner. Sure, extra detergent can help when it comes to heavily soiled clothing, however, when you use extra detergent in regularly soiled clothing its just a waste of money and can do more harm than good. Extra detergent can leave soap residue on the clothes that will need to be washed off using more water and electricity.Myth 7: Frequent vacuuming can wear your carpet out. Many people believe that frequent vacuuming can wear it out faster when it’s the total opposite. The best thing you can do to keep your carpet clean and increase its longevity, is to clean it regularly. This will also help to keep it clean for longer periods of time.Myth 8: If it smells clean, then it must be clean. Just because something smells flowery and fresh doesn’t mean it is clean at all. Scents deodorize but do nothing for the actual cleanliness of the area. The safest and most effective clean is odorless.Myth 9: Steam cleaning your carpet can cause it to mold and stink. Most people worry about the stale smell after you have your carpets cleaned, however, this is the best way to keep your carpets clean. Once the carpets are dry, the smell goes away and leaves you with the cleanest carpets you’ve had since they were new.Myth 10: Newspaper is the best thing to use to clean windows. Sure, newspaper is a good alternative to paper towels, however, its not always ideal. It can take the link out of the glass windows, but you run the risk of smearing ink from the newsprint on the frames and the glass. Most times, paper towel and a good cleaning agent is a better idea. We hope you enjoyed learning more about these common cleaning myths and the information will be helpful for you!

  • 0 You Need a Cleaning Company in Your Office-Here’s Why!

    Most of us spend at least 40 hours a week at the office or workplace, making it like a second home to us. How do you feel when you enter your home and it’s untidy or in need of a good deep cleaning? If you’re like most, you’ll instantly feel anxious, embarrassed, frustrated or a combination of everything. There are a few major benefits of having a professional cleaning service handle the cleaning needs of your business and they all impact your productivity.1. Decreased absenteeismObviously, the bathroom anywhere is one of the dirtiest places, however, a dirty washroom is one of the main reasons your employees will get sick. They are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and failing to clean them on a regular basis can cause the germs they house to spread like wildfire through your office. Having healthy employees means you’ll have happier and more productive employees too.2. Increased motivationMost employees won’t leave or turn down a job because of an untidy workspace, but you don’t want them to feel uncomfortable at work either. Ensuring the comfort and safety of your employees should always be at the top of your priority list, and that includes providing a clean workspace, and amenities. If your employees constantly have to deal with unkempt spaces, dirty bathrooms, or a sink full of dishes in the break room it will discourage them from doing their best, even if they may not realize it. Treat your employees well, and they will want to stay.3. Decreased stress levelsWe’ve all needed to use a public restroom, to enter and find out it is completely disgusting. Sometimes you have no choice, but your employees should never feel that way at work.4. Longevity of your office assetsInvesting in your workspace, and all of your equipment can be a large monthly cost to most businesses. Taking care of your assets is crucial to getting the most out of your equipment and ensuring it lasts as long as possible. Assets can include, the building itself if you’re the property owner, right down to your computers, and furniture. Keeping a properly cleaned and maintained office is the perfect way to save money in the long run.5. ProfessionalismThe minute a customer walks through the door they are forming their first impression of your business. Do you want to be perceived as the disorganized office; the one who may lose their important information? Or would you rather make a lasting impression because of your clean and tidy space with employees who are truly happy and comfortable in their work environment?A cleaning service is a monthly investment (and write off!) for your business, but one that is well worth it in both the short and long term.  Ready to learn more? Contact Perfection Cleaning today.