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House Cleaning Tips, Tricks & Stories

House Cleaning Langley

Perfection Cleaning BC doesn't just offer great house cleaning Langley. We also offer residential and commercial cleaning services for Surrey, White Rock, Abbotsford, Coquitlam, Port Moody and more! Below we have put together this blog to offer a host of tips and tricks that we have found, researched and even used ourselves in our every day housecleaning. Be sure to bookmark this blog page and check back as we are posting new articles monthly.



    For this post, we have grabbed this great little down to earth video by Brittany Vasseur that basically highlights how to declutter and prevent mess from building up in the first place. Some of the info seams like common sense, but oh, how it's easier said than done, lol    * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods or tips. Use at your own risk. 

  • 0 Clean That Couch - Here's How!

    Ok, so you have a gorgeous family couch or sofa. Well, it's usually gorgeous, but over time it is looking a little like something that should be in a junk yard, right!? Well let's see if we can't get it back to it's former glory with these tips for cleaning your couch.   1. Check Manufacturer's Instructions This is important because it can tell you if there are any specific dos & don'ts for washing your couch. There is usually some pretty helpful cleaning instructions available on the label.   2. Check The Label If you can't find the manufacturer's instructions, you can try looking online as well. If not there. Then you can also have a look at the couch's label. The label usually has, albeit more stripped down, instructions for care.   3. What Do These Letters Mean? Sometimes on a label you will see washing instructions and because it's such a small space, they tend to use letter coding. Here's a breakdown of what they mean: W - means that water can be used to clean S - means don't use water - you need to get a solvent-based cleaner WS - means you can safely use water or solvent-based cleaner X - means you can use vaccuum only   These are general cleaning tips for couches or sofas. Let us know in the comments if you have any more specific methods you have found effective and for what kind of furniture?    * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods or tips. Use at your own risk. 

  • 0 5 Closet Cleaning Tips

    We know how much of a chore it can be to clean out that closet. So we have put together 5 tips to help make that chore a little more manageable.   1. Remove It All Yes, that's right. If you want to be thorough, the best way is to start from a blank canvas. So, take everything out of the close so youc an gain some perspective and see the space you have to work with. Trust us, I know it sounds daunting, but it will save you time and give you the best chance at being happy with the final result.   2. Organize By Colour It's really unbelievable how a simple change of organization can have a huge effect on the overall look of the closet. Organizing your items by colour will help to simplify the space you are looking at. Instead of looking at a mish-mosh collage of clothing, your eyes are now focusing on a clear colour pattern.   3. Get Rid Of What You Don't Wear I know this sounds simple, but even the most organized people have items in their closet they are hanging onto cause they "might wear it when I go out". Well, we're saying, if you haven't worn it in a year, you probably wont, so we say toss it. Of course, if it has sentimental meaning, that's a whole other story. We're mainly talking about that jumpsuit you haven't worn since 1987, probably time to let that one go ;)   4. Box Up Items If you can't rbing yourself to get rid of anything like we suggested in #3, then at least fold it nicely and box it up. This will not only create less clutter, but will also be a good "out of sight, out of mind" test to see if you really need to keep those items in the first place.   5. Flip Through Those Hangers You can continuously keep your closet in check and avoid the big "one over" by simply flipping through your hangers regularily. By doing this you can familiarize yourself with what's in there and of course begin to realize the items you just don't wear, that maybe would serve better being dropped off at the thrift store!!        * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods or tips. Use at your own risk. 

  • 0 Hidden Germs & Where To Find Them

    We all know keeping a clean home is important. But what if you don't know exactly where to clean? What if there are things that need to be, or should be cleaned that you didn't even think of? In this post we are going to outline some of the areas and items in your home that you may not have thought of cleaning, but definitely have germs that need eradicating!!   TOOTHBRUSH Yes, this little item that we use to clean our teeth everyday, can be a nice hideout for germs. Especially if it sits close to the toilet. Make sure you rinse it thoroughly before and after brushing to wash off any germs that may have floated and landed on it inbetween brushings.   TOWELS It's common practice to have a face towel in the bathroom next to the sink to dry off after washing your hands or face. But think about how much bacteria gets on the towel over time. Patting your face with this bacteria riddled towel is a quick recipe for sickness.   MOBILE PHONES Yes, those little devices that have integrated into our life, are also magnets of tonnes of germs and bacteria. According to studies, it's possible that your phone has 10 times more bacteria than a toilet seat.    MAKEUP BRUSHES Even seemingly harmless makeup brushes can be attractors of germs and bacteria. With left over makeup, dead skin and dirt, your makeup brush could be the culprit if you get sick often.   These are just a few areas you may not have thought about in your cleaning routines. Be sure to clean these thoroughly, or, where possible, remove them entirely. It's these little extra steps that make your home that much cleaner!   * Perfection Cleaning does not guarantee or warranty any suggested cleaning methods or tips. Use at your own risk.  

  • 0 Implementing The One Minute Rule

    The one-minute rule was created by Gretchen Rubin and is a fairly new concept for making it simple to stay on top of your cleaning and organizing. If you often find yourself procrastinating your household chores this is perfect for you!The one-minute rule is truly as simple as it sounds. The idea is to do any simple tasks that come along during your day that take one minute or less. Removing these small tasks from your to do list immediately ensures they get done and takes procrastination out of the equation. We’ve all been there- we walk in the door at the end of a busy day, drop our coats, shoes, backpacks, purses, etc. and move on to preparing dinner, bathing kids, making lunches or whatever else needs to be done. Around comes bedtime, and your coats are still in a heap, shoes are all over the porch, and the mail is piled up which are all things that you’re not going to want to do on your way to bed. Implementing the one-minute rule ensures that you’ll never be faced with this kind of situation again.Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Look around the room you are currently in. Are there papers misplaced? A coat tossed aside? Dishes in the sink? Whatever you may be seeing is likely something that you could have taken care of in a minute or less, earlier. Almost every mess or disorganized space in our homes or offices has gotten that way because we procrastinate small tasks which pile up on one another and become huge tasks before we know it.Here are some examples of how you can implement the one-minute rule into your home.1. Wash your breakfast dishes as soon as you are done eating. Most of us have a quick breakfast before we head out which doesn’t require more than a handful of dishes. It only takes a few seconds to wash them and it’s always nice to come home to a clean kitchen.2. Fold your small loads of laundry as soon as they’re done in the dryer. Laundry is one of the easiest things to get piled up. Folding your small loads as soon as they are done drying will ensure you don’t have a pile of laundry you have to pick through to find matching socks every day.3. Put your shoes away in the closet as soon as you arrive at home. It only takes an extra ten seconds to open the closet and set them inside to avoid tripping over them later.4. Hang up coats, backpacks, purses, etc. as soon as you walk in the house. Take your kid’s lunch boxes out and get them lined up and ready for the next day too!5. After picking up your mail, open all envelopes immediately. Discard any junk mail and place items you need to take care of in a spot they won’t get lost. This will help avoid having piles of papers take over your kitchen. Implementing the one-minute rule can be a bit of an adjustment but its well worth it and can free up your evenings and weekends so you have time to do the things you love.Still not sold on it? We can help with that too! Book your spot with Perfection Cleaning today. ​

  • 0 The Most Commonly Neglected Parts of Your Home

    We all have those areas in our homes, the ones that we neglect to clean more than we care to admit. When we don’t have these specific locations in the forefront of our minds it can be easy to forget these spots.Here is a list of the most commonly neglected parts of a home for when you’re doing your next in-depth cleaning:1. Your garbage disposal. The plastic ring and the disposal collect old food and bacteria so be sure to clean it out! To do so, put ice cubes, cubes of frozen lemon juice or cubes of frozen vinegar down the disposal to knock the buildup off the internal parts.2. The exterior of your kitchen cabinets. Cabinets are perfect for collecting dirt, germs, and grease from cooking. Wipe down the exteriors with your cleaning products.3. Your curtains. Curtains are collectors. They collect dirt and smells that circulate in your house. Be sure to vacuum your curtains gently with a brush attachment at least every 2 weeks. Hand or machine washing your curtains depending on the material is also beneficial to completely remove any germs of any kind.4. The bath mats from your bathrooms. These are a cozy addition to any bathroom, but also easily develop mildew because they are regularly damp. On top of the mildew, they also collect dirt and germs. Add your bathmat to your load of towels at least once every two weeks to keep your family healthy.5. Your vacuum. It’s common that we neglect to clean the items in our homes that actually do the cleaning. At least once a month take some time to replace the bag, clean the filters and rinse the canister in your vacuum. This regular cleaning will improve the performance of your machine, leaving your home cleaner.6. Your dishwasher.It should be clean right? Wrong! Dishwashers easily trap dirt, food, and grease that builds up over time causing smells and decreasing their effectiveness. Be sure to remove the filter, soak and clean. Run a deep clean cycle with vinegar and leave some baking powder in the machine overnight before running the machine again.7. Your laundry room. Dust and dirt build up quickly behind and underneath your washer and dryer. This build-up can cause fires and needs to be taken care of regularly. At least every other month vacuum behind and under your washer and dryer especially near outlets and cords.8. Your oven. Food spills can cause smoke when baking and are quite common. Be sure to run your self-cleaning cycle or apply a paste of vinegar and baking soda on spills. Wash your oven racks with hot soapy water as needed.9. The light fixtures in your home. These stunning home décor pieces are also perfect for collecting dust, dirt, and bugs. Clean the surfaces of your fixtures carefully with a damp cloth or warm, soapy water and a rag.10. Your refrigerator coils.​Keep your fridge cooling effectively and decrease the wear and tear when you clean the condenser coils at least twice a year. Unplug the fridge and gently wipe down the coils and fan to do so. Do you have any spots in your home that you neglect to clean? ​

  • 0 Common Myths About Being Organized

    What do you think of when you think of being organized? Is it labelled boxes in a row? Or maybe colour-coordinated closets? There are so many myths about being organized that need to be addressed to help you find what works for you! When you’re ready to jump into organizing your home, consider these 5 myths in your plans.Myth 1: You need to buy organization supplies. Buying organization supplies is counteractive to the organizational process. Buying these supplies just adds to theclutter in your already cluttered space. Search your home for existing organization supplies or flex your creative muscles to re-purpose items you already have.Myth 2: Your organization supplies will keep you organized. Organizing supplies won’t keep you organized, period. What they will do is provide you with a system to keep things in order. It’s going to take some work to keep your items organized and in their rightful places to maintain your space.Myth 3: You need to keep everything in order all the time. It takes time, energy and effort to keep your home looking like a spread from a magazine. When taking the steps to get organized, remember everything doesn’t need to be in perfectly order all the time. Focus on practicality instead of perfection to take some of the pressure off yourself. This is especially important to remember if you have children living at home! Keeping a home in perfect order is next to impossible with a family all the time!Myth 4: You need to follow only one organization system. There are hundreds of ways to organize items in a home and you need to find whatever combination of systems that work for you. There are two important factors to consider when you develop an organizational system for your home. Ask yourself: does it work for me and does it deliver what I need? If you can answer yes to both, then you’re on the right path.Myth 5: You must be good at organizing to get organized. Organization is a skill. Like anything else, it’s a skill you can learn and get better at over time. If you’re willing to work hard and put in the effort, organization is something you can learn to excel at. Even people who fall under the type A personality and are naturally good organized are always learning new ways to improve or develop new systems. 

  • 0 Quick Kitchen Cleaning Tips!

    With long to-do lists, work responsibilities, families and more the last thing you need to add to your list is long winded kitchen cleaning tips. These tips are simple, take very little time and will ensure your kitchen is fully cleaned, all the time.1. Clean your blender immediately.Those that use a blender regularly know how difficult they can be to clean. After you’ve poured your drink out, add some water and a drop of dish soap to your dirty blender. Turn it on for 20-30 seconds, dump the water out and rinse to make cleaning your blender a breeze. 2. Clean your microwave without scrubbing.The easiest way to clean a microwave is to place some wet paper towels inside and turn it on high for 3-5 minutes. The steam from the towels will loosen the grime. At the end of the 3-5-minute cycle, remove the wet towels and wipe away any remaining food. 3. Clean your coffee pot.If you use a traditional coffee maker, you may notice the glass begin to develop a brown haze quickly. Ice, salt and lemon is the cure for your hazy glass. Fill the pot ¼ full of ice, squeeze the lemon into the pot (cut in quarters) and add 2 tablespoons of salt. Swirl the mixture and the inside surface will come clean. Rinse after the stains are remove and you’re ready to brew your next pot. 4. Clean your garbage disposal.To rid your disposal of smells and deep clean the entire system use ice cubes made of a half vinegar, half water mixture. Place the ice cubes in the unit and grind until gone. This process literally takes no time at all and can keep your kitchen smelling fresh and clean. 5. Clean a cast iron pan.Using liquid soap and scrubbing a cast iron pan is a huge no-no. Typically pans can be rinsed clean with water and a soft dishcloth, however if that’s not enough use a few tablespoons of salt and a paper towel, then rinse. Replenish the oil film by coating the surface with a drop of cooking oil.Quick and simple cleaning tips are a great way to be sure you stay on top of your household chores. 

  • 0 Are you ready for fall?

    Hard to believe it is fall already isn’t it? As you get back to your regular routine now that the summer time rush is over it can be overwhelming to make a plan to stay organized and keep your house in tip top shape. There are a lot of resources out there so here are some of the best tips combined in one place! This detailed list of fall chores that will have you prepared for winter in no time!Outdoor Cleaning Checklist: Clean and store your patio furniture, remove any cushions and umbrellas and store in a dry place. Organize any outdoor children’s toys and put them away. Check the paint on your fence, deck, railing, etc. For any peeling paint remove loose paint and reapply. Check the seals around all your windows and doors. If necessary, re-caulk to keep any cold drafts and moisture out. Inspect all doors and garage doors to be sure they close tightly. Replace weather stripping as needed. Drain and store all garden hoses. For those that have underground sprinklers, blow out water lines or hire someone to do so. Clear any debris from gutters on your house and also in downspouts. Have your chimney inspected and cleaned as necessary. Store all lawn tools and equipment in a dry place. Indoor Cleaning Checklist: Declutter and reorganize all closets. Always clean from top to bottom. Start with drapes, blinds, and windows and end with vacuuming around baseboards and in corners. Wash all walls. Dust, wash, rinse and dry. Vacuum furniture or hire a professional to clean couches and chairs as  necessary. Take light fixtures down and wash and dust all surfaces. Move all furniture and vacuum beneath and behind it. Pull your fridge and stove out from the wall to clean behind. Sweep and wash the floors, and walls behind the appliances. Inspect washer hoses to be sure they are secure and there are no cracks. Check dryer vent for any build-up of lint. Dryer vents can get clogged with lint and are a potential fire hazard. Book an appointment for carpet cleaning as needed. Wash all bedding including mattress pads, pillows, duvets, and comforters. Turn mattresses end to end. Remove everything from your kitchen cupboards and wipe them down. Reorganize and declutter as you put things away. Vacuum refrigerator condenser coil. . ​​   Deep cleaning and decluttering in the fall makes for a more relaxing winter. When spending so much time indoors during the cold season you and your family might as well be comfortable and relaxed!

  • 0 Easy Outdoor Spring Cleaning Checklist

    With spring here, many of you are probably starting to feel the need to spring clean or maybe you have even completed your indoor spring cleaning. Next on the list is outdoor spring cleaning and it can be an overwhelming task.  Here is my outdoor spring cleaning checklist. Wash exterior windows and screens. Inspect gutters and clean out any debris. Pressure wash the siding of your home, always beginning at the top and working your way to the bottom. Clean out the garage. Sweep out at dirt or mud accumulated over the winter, put away winter items and bring out summer items so they are easily accessible.  Scrub and clean your patio furniture. Whether it has been outside or indoors it’s a good time to get it ready to go for BBQ season. Clean your BBQ. Wipe down the outside, as well as clean the grill and clean out any build up inside the BBQ. If you have a deck inspect the boards for any signs of rot or decay and repair where necessary. Spring is an excellent time to re-stain your deck and fence. Prune dead and damaged branches off of your trees and shrubs. Trim overgrown trees back and pick up any branches that are laying on the ground.   Remove weeds from any flower beds your have and throughout your yard. Clear any dead plants from flower beds as well as cut dead sections away from perennials and grasses. Rake leaves and dead grass from around your flowerbeds and in your yard. Fertilizing in the spring can give your grass a boost to increase growth for the summer. Complete any maintenance for your sprinkler system if you have one. This includes testing the system for leaks.  Treat your garden area and flower beds for insects before they become a problem. This simple and straightforward checklist will help keep you on track and make your outdoor spring cleaning a breeze.