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House Cleaning Tips, Tricks & Stories

House Cleaning Langley

Perfection Cleaning BC doesn't just offer great house cleaning Langley. We also offer residential and commercial cleaning services for Surrey, White Rock, Abbotsford, Coquitlam, Port Moody and more! Below we have put together this blog to offer a host of tips and tricks that we have found, researched and even used ourselves in our every day housecleaning. Be sure to bookmark this blog page and check back as we are posting new articles monthly.


  • 0 Clutter Cutting Ideas for the End of the Year

    At this point in the holiday season most of us are anxiously waiting to visit with friends and relatives, exchange gifts, and we are busy running from one holiday gathering to another. Even during the chaos of the season its important to look to look ahead. Chances are you’re going to receive a gift of some sort or maybe even multiples and you’re going to need somewhere to put everything. These tips will help you declutter and go into the new year organized.Get One, Toss Two This is a simple decluttering trick you can use as you put away new holiday gifts. For each gift received, toss or giveaway two others. Maybe you’re putting away some new clothes and already have a closet full, or maybe you’re setting up a new gaming system or putting new DVD’s away. Whatever it is, be sure to re-home some of your older items, sure to be of no use now with your new things.Reuse all those BoxesIf you’re an online shopper, or have received packages from relatives or friends afar, challenge yourself to use the boxes instead of recycling them right away. Fill every box with items for donation and deliver them to a charity before the end of the year. This is a great way to reuse and declutter all at once.Celebrate the Japanese New YearCleaning dirt, clutter and disorganization from the old year is a part of the Japanese New Year. Each year is seen as separate and distinct, so the final week of the old year is dedicated to cleaning, decluttering and organizing. Take the time to clean your home from top to bottom, clean up your filing cabinet out, and tidy up your children’s toys and craft supplies.Sort Before StoringWhen it comes time to take your holiday decorations down and store them until next year, it can be easy to put items away and deal with them later, even if you know you’re not going to use them. This year, get a head start on the clutter. Box up decorations, linens and specialty items you store to prepare them for donation. If you have items that are of no use, throw them away. Streamlining your decorating in advance will make next year a breeze.Say Goodbye to White Elephant Clutter​The white elephant gift exchange is always a fun idea; however, it can leave you stuck with items that you will never use. Consider keeping a box of items that can be re-gifted. Games, gift baskets, etc. are great re-gifting ideas for other occasions in the year. Another fun idea-hold an after Christmas white elephant exchange. Who knows, you may end up with something you’ll use or an even better item for future re-gifting.  What is your routine for clearing clutter in your home?

  • 0 The Most Commonly Neglected Parts of Your Home

    We all have those areas in our homes, the ones that we neglect to clean more than we care to admit. When we don’t have these specific locations in the forefront of our minds it can be easy to forget these spots.Here is a list of the most commonly neglected parts of a home for when you’re doing your next in-depth cleaning:1. Your garbage disposal. The plastic ring and the disposal collect old food and bacteria so be sure to clean it out! To do so, put ice cubes, cubes of frozen lemon juice or cubes of frozen vinegar down the disposal to knock the buildup off the internal parts.2. The exterior of your kitchen cabinets. Cabinets are perfect for collecting dirt, germs, and grease from cooking. Wipe down the exteriors with your cleaning products.3. Your curtains. Curtains are collectors. They collect dirt and smells that circulate in your house. Be sure to vacuum your curtains gently with a brush attachment at least every 2 weeks. Hand or machine washing your curtains depending on the material is also beneficial to completely remove any germs of any kind.4. The bath mats from your bathrooms. These are a cozy addition to any bathroom, but also easily develop mildew because they are regularly damp. On top of the mildew, they also collect dirt and germs. Add your bathmat to your load of towels at least once every two weeks to keep your family healthy.5. Your vacuum. It’s common that we neglect to clean the items in our homes that actually do the cleaning. At least once a month take some time to replace the bag, clean the filters and rinse the canister in your vacuum. This regular cleaning will improve the performance of your machine, leaving your home cleaner.6. Your dishwasher.It should be clean right? Wrong! Dishwashers easily trap dirt, food, and grease that builds up over time causing smells and decreasing their effectiveness. Be sure to remove the filter, soak and clean. Run a deep clean cycle with vinegar and leave some baking powder in the machine overnight before running the machine again.7. Your laundry room. Dust and dirt build up quickly behind and underneath your washer and dryer. This build-up can cause fires and needs to be taken care of regularly. At least every other month vacuum behind and under your washer and dryer especially near outlets and cords.8. Your oven. Food spills can cause smoke when baking and are quite common. Be sure to run your self-cleaning cycle or apply a paste of vinegar and baking soda on spills. Wash your oven racks with hot soapy water as needed.9. The light fixtures in your home. These stunning home décor pieces are also perfect for collecting dust, dirt, and bugs. Clean the surfaces of your fixtures carefully with a damp cloth or warm, soapy water and a rag.10. Your refrigerator coils.​Keep your fridge cooling effectively and decrease the wear and tear when you clean the condenser coils at least twice a year. Unplug the fridge and gently wipe down the coils and fan to do so. Do you have any spots in your home that you neglect to clean? ​

  • 0 The Best Ways to Keep Your Car Clean in The Winter

    We know it’s only October, but winter is just around the corner and from what we’ve heard we might be in for a doozy! There is no better time to get prepared to keep your car in tip top shape during the winter months than now. Make a mental note of these five ways to keep your car clean and tidy for when you’ll need them shortly!1. Invest in some good rubber floor mats. Most vehicles come with standard carpet floor mats that can be a nightmare in the rain or even worse in the slush and snow. The salt in the moisture from outdoors will cause awful stains on the carpet and can soak through and cause rust and corrosion on the floor of your vehicle. To avoid these headaches, grab yourself a set of rubber floor mats. These will cover your carpet protecting your vehicle from any moisture damage.2. Swap your rims. If you can, it’s always a good idea to switch to steel or alloy wheels for the winter when you put your winter tires on. The steel or alloy will be far more durable against the elements and won’t leave you with corrosion or rust come the spring. Consider spraying your rims with a spray on protector to give them some additional durability during the dirty driving months.3. Wash and wash some more. It seems counteractive to wash your vehicle in the winter, but it really isn’t. If you want to increase the longevity of your car while keeping it in tip top shape, washing at least every 10 days is essential. Use fresh water and a high-pressure hose to remove as much of the salt from your vehicles surface as possible. If you own a pressure washer and plan to wash at home, adding baking soda to your water will help to dissolve dry salt. If you need to scrub your vehicle be sure to use a proper wash mitt to avoid leaving scratch marks behind and always wash the undercarriage of your vehicle to remove any salt and chunks of ice. Salt can cause a serious corrosion and rust problem if left too long.4. Dry your vehicle. Once your vehicle has been washed and rinsed, drying is necessary. Leave the doors open slightly so any trapped water can dry out. If you avoid letting these areas dry, you could find your doors frozen solid. Applying wax is another practice to consider adding in the winter. Wax acts as a seal on all surfaces of your vehicle.5. Take caution when driving. When you’re driving in the winter, try to avoid very deep snow and deep puddles if possible. The depth of the snow or water, can exposure the undercarriage to far more salt than normal and could leave you with corrosion. To make matters worse, the undercarriage can be extremely hard to wash so avoiding this as much as possible is beneficial 

  • 0 Top 5 Back to School Organization Tips for Families

    The end of summer is a busy time of the year for everyone in your family. School is just starting, sports teams are kicking into gear, and your house is probably a disaster like the rest of ours are. These back to school organization tips are sure to keep your house in tip top shape, save your sanity and even earn you a few spare minutes of downtime.Keep, donate and throw away.This time of the year is perfect for overhauling your kids’ wardrobes. If you haven’t emptied out their old clothes that no longer fit, now is the time. Create a keep, donate and throw away box and get to emptying out those closets. Not only will this make for less clutter, you’ll have room to store those new school clothes you purchased for them!Clean out the bathroom. Head into the kid’s bathroom with the same determination as you did their rooms. Time to throw away those broken bobby pins, over stretched elastics and old hair and makeup supplies. While you’re in there and at it, make a list of what you’ll need to replace so the next time you head out on a shopping trip you won’t forget anything crucial to the morning routine. If you have more than one child, peek at your local dollar store for coloured baskets and give one to each child to store their supplies in.Create a set homework spot. Creating a homework center in your home is always a great idea with school aged kids. Having a place where they can go to complete projects without distractions is essential to their success and productivity. Stock the spot with school supplies and file folders. If you’ve already got a spot, swap the old for the new so the area is tidy and clean for the school year ahead.Organize a backpack zone in your entryway. During such a busy time of the year, your entryway is likely going to become a drop zone for backpacks, coats, shoes, etc. Having a designated space for these items can help to keep the chaos contained and will make it easy to find what you or the kids are looking for when you need it.Prepare your laundry room. The laundry room is one of those places in a home that most of us tend to neglect when it comes to regular cleaning. Take the extra few minutes during this busy time of the year to wipe down the counters, the inside and outside of your washer and dryer, the floors and more. Preparing yourself for the endless loads of laundry that are coming your way during the school year will make the transition much easier.  Do you have any tips that make the transition from summer to fall easier?  

  • 0 Common Myths About Being Organized

    What do you think of when you think of being organized? Is it labelled boxes in a row? Or maybe colour-coordinated closets? There are so many myths about being organized that need to be addressed to help you find what works for you! When you’re ready to jump into organizing your home, consider these 5 myths in your plans.Myth 1: You need to buy organization supplies. Buying organization supplies is counteractive to the organizational process. Buying these supplies just adds to theclutter in your already cluttered space. Search your home for existing organization supplies or flex your creative muscles to re-purpose items you already have.Myth 2: Your organization supplies will keep you organized. Organizing supplies won’t keep you organized, period. What they will do is provide you with a system to keep things in order. It’s going to take some work to keep your items organized and in their rightful places to maintain your space.Myth 3: You need to keep everything in order all the time. It takes time, energy and effort to keep your home looking like a spread from a magazine. When taking the steps to get organized, remember everything doesn’t need to be in perfectly order all the time. Focus on practicality instead of perfection to take some of the pressure off yourself. This is especially important to remember if you have children living at home! Keeping a home in perfect order is next to impossible with a family all the time!Myth 4: You need to follow only one organization system. There are hundreds of ways to organize items in a home and you need to find whatever combination of systems that work for you. There are two important factors to consider when you develop an organizational system for your home. Ask yourself: does it work for me and does it deliver what I need? If you can answer yes to both, then you’re on the right path.Myth 5: You must be good at organizing to get organized. Organization is a skill. Like anything else, it’s a skill you can learn and get better at over time. If you’re willing to work hard and put in the effort, organization is something you can learn to excel at. Even people who fall under the type A personality and are naturally good organized are always learning new ways to improve or develop new systems. 

  • 0 Cleaning Your Kids’ Outdoor Toys

    With summer in full swing, you may be looking at your kid’s outdoor toys and thinking yuck! They are probably stained, dirty, covered in cobwebs and who knows what else. Not exactly ideal for your kids to be playing with. Here is our go to list for cleaning those outdoor toys to open up endless opportunities for fun for your kids!Plastic Outdoor ToysFirst look at each plastic toys stability. If the toys are solid, and you have access to a pressure washer cleaning them is simple and efficient. Test the pressure of the machine you’re using to avoid any damage and be sure to keep your distance just like when you’re washing your car!If a pressure washer is out of reach, some dish detergent, a good brush, and some elbow grease will do just as well. First, brush off any caked mud or dirt. Once all caked mud/dirt has been removed, add dish soap to a bowl of hot water and scrub down the plastic with a softer wired brush. A toothbrush is a great option to get into the crevices and small hard to reach places.If you’re looking for a more natural way of cleaning you can substitute dish soap for white vinegar and mix 50/50 with water. Take note that vinegar can do some harm to your grass if spilled.Ride OnsThe ride ons parked in your garage are probably some of the most beloved toys your children own. Each year after washing them down in the same manner as your plastic toys, look over any moving parts and give a thorough safety check. If you notice anything sticking, spray some WD40 into the moving parts to get them moving efficiently again. A good cleaning and proper maintenance go a long way to ensure the longevity of ride on toys.  Playhouses​While a playhouse can fall under the same category as plastic outdoor toys, there is a bit more to cleaning a playhouse. For the outside of the house, scrub with hot soapy water to remove any stains, cobwebs, etc. Next, dilute a solution of 2 tablespoons of bleach in 5 litres of water. Wipe down the outside of the house with this solution and let sit for 15-30 minutes. Wipe clean after to leave the exterior looking like new.Disposable cleaning wipes or hot soapy water are both excellent options for cleaning the interior of a plastic playhouse. Much like the exterior, wipe down all surfaces, and crevices with the cleaning product of your choice. The biggest challenge cleaning the inside is having enough room to move around! Cleaning the inside of the playhouse is the perfect opportunity to turn cleaning into a fun game for your little ones while getting some help with the chores!While a little dirt never hurt anyone, it’s always a good idea to keep outdoor toys in good working order and clean. Which of your kids’ outdoor toys is their favourite? 

  • 0 Quick Kitchen Cleaning Tips!

    With long to-do lists, work responsibilities, families and more the last thing you need to add to your list is long winded kitchen cleaning tips. These tips are simple, take very little time and will ensure your kitchen is fully cleaned, all the time.1. Clean your blender immediately.Those that use a blender regularly know how difficult they can be to clean. After you’ve poured your drink out, add some water and a drop of dish soap to your dirty blender. Turn it on for 20-30 seconds, dump the water out and rinse to make cleaning your blender a breeze. 2. Clean your microwave without scrubbing.The easiest way to clean a microwave is to place some wet paper towels inside and turn it on high for 3-5 minutes. The steam from the towels will loosen the grime. At the end of the 3-5-minute cycle, remove the wet towels and wipe away any remaining food. 3. Clean your coffee pot.If you use a traditional coffee maker, you may notice the glass begin to develop a brown haze quickly. Ice, salt and lemon is the cure for your hazy glass. Fill the pot ¼ full of ice, squeeze the lemon into the pot (cut in quarters) and add 2 tablespoons of salt. Swirl the mixture and the inside surface will come clean. Rinse after the stains are remove and you’re ready to brew your next pot. 4. Clean your garbage disposal.To rid your disposal of smells and deep clean the entire system use ice cubes made of a half vinegar, half water mixture. Place the ice cubes in the unit and grind until gone. This process literally takes no time at all and can keep your kitchen smelling fresh and clean. 5. Clean a cast iron pan.Using liquid soap and scrubbing a cast iron pan is a huge no-no. Typically pans can be rinsed clean with water and a soft dishcloth, however if that’s not enough use a few tablespoons of salt and a paper towel, then rinse. Replenish the oil film by coating the surface with a drop of cooking oil.Quick and simple cleaning tips are a great way to be sure you stay on top of your household chores. 

  • 0 How often should I wash that?

    You may find yourself wondering how often you should wash certain items in your home. Here at Perfection Cleaning we wanted to give you the low down in a quick easy format of how often you should be washing items for the health and safety of you and your loved ones.1. BedsheetsSheets should be washed once a week in hot water and run through the dryer on high heat. Washing often and on high heat removes debris, dust, sweat and more. 2. GroutCleaning the grout may be something you dread but relax! You only need to scrub it or any tiled surface in your home once a year. 3. Windows and screensWindows should be washed inside and out twice a year. When the warm weather arrives, be sure to rinse your screens to. Use a garden hose and gently scrub any debris away. Then use the hose to rinse and leave the screens to air dry in the sun. 4. Your mattressClean your mattress every 6 months. Believe it or not the process is super simple! Vacuum the top using an upholstery attachment and remove stains by wiping down the surface with upholstery cleaner and a rag. 5. Your ovenClean your oven every six months. If your oven is self-cleaning, turn it on and let it do the work. If not, remove racks and let them soak in hot, soapy water. Spray the interior with oven cleaner and let it soak overnight. Wipe clean and replace the racks the next day. 6. CarpetsOnce a year hire someone, or rent or buy a steam cleaner. If you’re doing the cleaning yourself, vacuum first to remove surface dirt, then steam clean using an appropriate solution. After you’ve completed both steps, run over the carpet a third time with only water to limit the residue left behind. 7. DishwasherClean your dishwasher once a month. Dishwashers are the perfect home for black yeast and fungi that can be harmful to you and your family. Running a cup of vinegar upright on an empty top rack should do the trick. Then, finish by running a cycle of hot water through. 8. PillowsWash your pillows every 3 to 6 months to avoid fungi and dust mites. Pillows can be washed on the gentle cycle of your washing machine in hot water with liquid laundry soap. Be sure to run the rinse twice. To dry, put pillows in the dryer and set on low. 9. Your ComputerClean your keyboard as often as needed as they are known to hold five times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Computers are one household item many people never think to clean. For crevices, use a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and for the other parts rubbing alcohol on a rag should do the trick. 10. Kitchen sink and drainClean your sink and drain daily because of their high exposure to microorganisms. Disinfecting wipes are great for wiping these surfaces down.These 10 tips are a sure way to stay on top of those often forgotten items to clean! If you're in need of assistance, give us a call today! 

  • 0 Laundry Hacks To Save You Time and Money!

    • Laundry
    • by Administrator
    • 07-04-2018

    Laundry…the never ending story of adulthood. Did you know most adults spend an average of 8 hours per month washing, folding, and ironing laundry?  You can get a lot done with an extra 8 hours!This list will help you to decrease the amount of time you’re spending on laundry and even save you some cash!1. Use less detergent.This sounds counteractive, however most of us use way too much detergent, period. When measuring out your laundry soap, use significantly less than the recommended amount. Using less soap, will not decrease the cleanliness of your clothes, and you’ll save a ton of money in the process.  2. DIY stain removal.Stain removal products are a dime a dozen. There are so many to choose from and each comes with their own gimmick. Instead of purchasing these products, create your own simple DIY solutions that work just as well, if not better. Almost all stains can be removed with simple household items including club soda, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and more. Save yourself time by scrubbing stains right away vs. letting them set and remember most DIY stain removal solutions are created from items you already have at home.3. Sort on the go.Hampers are a cheap way to keep your laundry sorting time to a minimum. As you undress sort by whites, darks, colours, and socks and underwear. This simple procedure is a sure way to save time and energy when laundry day rolls around.4. Keep an eye on the labels.Do you keep track of the washing directions on your clothes? If not, you should. Following these symbols will save you time on drying cycles thus saving you money on your utilities. Also, when washing clothing properly you will prolong the life of your items giving your bank account a break.5. Clean your washing machine.This is the most important part of saving yourself from headaches on laundry day. Dirt, soap, and lint cause build up in your washing machine. Keeping your machine clean will lengthen its life, keep your clothes cleaner and cost you less to repair.Laundry is a dreaded chore for many people and one that regularly cuts into their leisure time. If you’re looking for support in the laundry department we can help!

  • 0 Simple Tips To Clean Your Hair Accessories

    Ok ladies this one’s for you. Keeping up with cleaning your hair tools and accessoriesis an essential practice you need to start right away. If you want your tools to perform as well as possible you need to take proper care of them. And let’s be honest, when’s the last time any of us cleaned our tools?Brushes and CombsBrushes and combs are the perfect collector for dust, hair spray, oils, product residue, germs and of course hair. If your hair is feeling less than fresh after washing it and brushing it out there’s a good chance all that residue is making its way right back into your hair.  Clean these tools in 3 simple steps:1. Take a long thin tool (the end of a tail comb works great) to remove excess hair from the brush or use your hand if possible.2. Fill a sink with warm water and some shampoo. Let it soak or take an old toothbrush to get rid of the buildup at the base of the brush or comb.3. Allow brushes and combs to air dry for best results.  Curling and Flat IronsSticky product buildup on your curling and flat irons can burn your hair and cause split ends. To keep your hot tools in great condition, removing excess buildup is essential.Clean these tools in 2 simple steps:1. Use a moist cloth with water to remove as much of the residue as possible. For whatever residue remains, a little rubbing alcohol will do the trick.2. Leave the tool to dry entirely before using. Blow DryerHave you ever checked the vent on your hair dryer out? There is a good chance it is clogged with both lint and dirt. This buildup can cause a decrease in the performance of the tool as well as can compromise the safety of its use.Clean your blow dryer in 3 simple steps:1. If it has a removable filter, remove the back cover. If you’re unsure your owner’s manual will let you know.2. Take out the filter and clean it out with Q-tips, a toothbrush or whatever small tools are needed to get in the crevices. Rinse with warm water and let it dry completely.3. Wipe down the nozzle and body of the damp cloth to clean any build up of hair products. Hair Accessories Headbands, hair ties, and hair clips are often overlooked when it comes to cleaning your hair supplies. These items likely have product build up, sweat and other outside pollutants on them leaving your hair feeling dirty.Clean these items in 2 simple steps: 1. Soak in a sink with warm water and a few drops of shampoo. Gently rub the soap in to remove any sticky product. 2. Lay them to dry fully on a towel. Do you have any tips you would add to this list? We’d love to hear from you!