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House Cleaning Tips, Tricks & Stories

House Cleaning Langley

Perfection Cleaning BC doesn't just offer great house cleaning Langley. We also offer residential and commercial cleaning services for Surrey, White Rock, Abbotsford, Coquitlam, Port Moody and more! Below we have put together this blog to offer a host of tips and tricks that we have found, researched and even used ourselves in our every day housecleaning. Be sure to bookmark this blog page and check back as we are posting new articles monthly.


  • 0 Protect your home from flooding this spring!

    We’ve had quite an interesting winter here in the Lower Mainland. With more snow than we’ve seen in years it’s important for everyone to be aware of the flooding risk imposed by quick melting. This list of tips will help you protect your home to the best of your ability from flooding.  1. Fix leaks. Any foundation cracks allow water to get into your home easily. When water gets in, the structure of your home is weakened and creates a fantastic environment for mold to grow. Watch for signs of water damage and ensure you have them repaired immediately. Cracks in your foundation are a weak spot for water to enter your home should flooding occur in your area.2. Clear gutters. Keep your gutters clear of leaves and debris. It’s ideal to clear your gutters every spring to remove any leaves, or debris. Clear gutters will allow water to freely flow away from your home instead of towards it. Debris and leaves can cause backup and allow water to pool closely to your home increasing your risk of flooding.  3. Check the storm drains on your street. As with your gutters, keep a close eye on the storm drains on your street. You want to ensure they are free and clear of branches, leaves and other debris. If you notice any build up clear it immediately to ensure the water has a place to flow freely away from your home and those in your neighbourhood.4. Check your sump pump. Ensure your pump is in good working order. Most sumps are run off electricity so consider purchasing an extra battery operated pump to protect your home from water damage should you be without power. You can also buy affordable alarm systems to put inside your tank that will alert you when the water reaches a certain level. With large amounts of melting snow or even rain it’s important to check your sump regularly for proper operation.5. Document your possessions. In the event you need to leave your home, it’s critical to have documentation of your possessions. Take photos or videos of all of your possessions to keep on hand. It never hurts to have a box of your most prized possessions ready to grab on your way out if you are in a high flood risk area. Documenting your possessions will make your water damage insurance claim easier to complete also.

  • 0 Protect The Health Of Your Family With A Clean Home

    There are a ton of incentives to clean that involve more than just an appealing view. Check out these 10 health benefits of a clean house that are sure to encourage you to get to scrubbing (or call us to do it!).1. Reduces allergies.Keeping up with your cleaning schedule is the best way to reduce dust and other allergens from your home. Sweeping, dusting and vacuuming are all essential, especially for those with allergies, asthma and respiratory problems, to remove these allergens from your home.2. Sanitary reasons.Cleaning with disinfectants kills bacteria, viruses and other organisms that can be detrimental to your health. E. coli, staph and salmonella are responsible for food borne illnesses and infections and are bacteria that are necessary to avoid in your home. Sanitizing bathrooms, kitchens and other areas will protect you and your family from these bacteria and many others!3. Mold reduction.Regular cleaning provides the perfect opportunity to detect mold growth. Early detection is ideal to fix the problem in a timely manner. Mold causes a large variety of issues including allergic reactions, cold and flu like symptoms and asthma attacks.4. Lowered risk of injury.Maintaining a clean and organized house can reduce the chance of injury. Stacks of boxes, or piles of toys can cause you to fall, or trip and be injured. Tidying up and organizing can make a huge difference in the safety of your home.5. Keeps pests at bay.Insects and rodents like warm, moist environments. They thrive on them. Regular cleaning can ensure homeowners are finding pest problems early on and reducing the risk of a massive infestation. Taking out the garbage, sweeping and vacuuming keeps bugs and rodents from taking up permanent residence in your home.​​If adding regular cleaning to your already full to do list is just too much give us a call and we’d be happy to take over here in the Lower Mainland!

  • 0 Remove these 5 common carpet stains before the holidays!

    With the holidays fast approaching you’re likely gearing up for loads of visitors and are busy tidying your home for the endless flow of traffic. With tons of people visiting it’s only natural to want your home looking it’s best, including tidying up any stains.Remove these top 5 stains painlessly before the holidays begin.To remove juice stains (including kool-aid) from carpet: Blot the stain. Never rub or smear to avoid spreading the stain. Mix ¼ cup of white vinegar, and 1 tablespoon Dawn dish soap in a bottle. Fill the rest with water. Spray the stained area and allow the mixture to soak for 5-10 minutes. Blot with a clean, dry towel until the stain is removed. To remove pet stains from carpet: First, clean up the mess. Remember: Blot wet messes to avoid spreading them If the stain is dried on the carpet, the best way to clean it is to moisten it. Use a pet stain specific cleaner on the affected area  To neutralize odors, create a solution of ½ vinegar and ½ warm water. Spray the solution onto the spot and allow it to soak for several minutes Proceed with blotting until the area is almost completely dry then sprinkle baking soda over the soiled area. Mix half a cup of hydrogen peroxide with one teaspoon of liquid detergent together. Pour the mixture over the baking powder and rub the into the carpet. Allow the mixture to dry completely then vacuum. ​To remove coffee stains from carpet: Dry the spot by blotting. Mix ¼ cup of white vinegar, and 1 tablespoon Dawn dish soap in a bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle with water. Spritz the area until saturated and blot to dry.  To remove blood stains from carpet: Treat the stain as soon as possible. A quick response is key to completely removing blood stains. Use cold water instead of warm or hot water as it prevents the blood from further penetrating the carpet. Add 2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap in a bottle full of cold water and spray the solution on the stain. Moisten the carpet ensuring the stain is completely saturated by the cold water solution. Use a paper towel or dry cloth to blot the stain up. Rinse with cold water and repeat as needed. To remove ink stains from carpet: Dampen a clean cloth with isopropyl alcohol and dab it on the ink stain. Do not rub or scrub! This could distribute the ink to a larger area. Repeat the process as needed.  Ensure you rinse with water and blot dry.  Different types of carpet will react differently to stain removal mixtures or products. Ensure you test each mixture/product in a small concealed area to ensure that there will be no discoloration to your carpet. No time for stain removal before your guests arrive? Give us a call today and check cleaning and stain removal off your to do list! 

  • 0 Keep Your Family Free from Colds and Flu This Fall!

    Cold and flu season is in full swing. If you or someone in your home has already caught an illness, it’s important to know where to start when cleaning your house to clear away all germs to prevent the spread of illness.Get started by disinfecting your home’s hot spots with this comprehensive list!1. Counter tops are a culprit for germs. Using a bleach based cleaner, disinfect all surfaces in the kitchen and bathrooms.2. There are many items that are regularly handled in your home including doorknobs, light switches, remote controls, computer keyboards, coffee makers, fridge door handles and more. These items need to be wiped down during and after illness to avoid spreading any germs. A thermometer is something else to ensure you disinfect.3. Changing your sheets and towels regularly is essential to stopping the spread of germs. If you’re feeling particularly under the weather, changing your pillowcases is an easy option until you are able to change everything. Sheets have been known to contain many different types of bacteria. Remember, all bedding and towels need to be washed in hot water as most bacteria can live through cold and warm washes.4. Dust and vacuum immediately after being unwell to remove any excess bacteria. 5. Sun is a fantastic, natural disinfectant so if possible place large items outside. Pillows, large blankets, area rugs and more are fantastic items to place in the sun for disinfecting.6. All clothing needs to be washed in hot water. If the stomach flu is what you’ve been infected with there can be left over bodily fluids that will be eliminated by washing in hot water.7. Empty your garbage regularly and once your illness has run its course clean your trash can with a bleach/water combination.  8. Toothbrushes are an absolute essential to clean following illness. They can be cleaned by soaking in hydrogen peroxide, boiled in hot water or washed in the dishwasher. Replacement is always an option as well.9. Get some fresh air circulating through your house. Open windows allow stale air and germs to move outdoors and away from you and your family.10. Clean the bathroom daily during illness. Wipe counter tops and bathtubs and clean toilets daily to minimize the bacteria spread from the bathroom to the rest of the house.​These 10 tips are our favorite for controlling the spread of bacteria in your home. What would you add to this list?​

  • 0 Set Your Schedule!

    With the back to school rush it can be difficult to stay on top of your house cleaning routine. Perfection Cleaning has put together a simple, and effective house cleaning routine guaranteed to keep you on top of your chores during this busy time!MondayIn case you suffer from a case of the Monday’s this day is simple and straightforward. Light tidying including dishes, filing paperwork, and picking up toys. Spot clean your kitchen or bathrooms as you go and ensure all coats are hung, shoes are put away and laundry is placed in it’s appropriate hampersTuesdayGet a jump start by cleaning two of the most lived in and largest spaces in your home; your living room and kitchen. It is essential you clean top to bottom to save you time in the long run. In the living room start by dusting furniture, cleaning windows and/or mirrors, finish by washing and/or vacuuming the floors. When cleaning the kitchen now is a great time to clean the fridge out. Throw away old or expired food, wipe down shelves and organize contents. Inspect the furniture for pet hair, crumbs, etc. and tidy those up as well. Ensure all children’s books and toys are put away at the end of each day to make Tuesday a breeze.WednesdayTackle the bathroom’s today and say goodbye to the germs for the rest of the week. Cleaning the bathrooms is a chore most people dread so getting it out of the way midweek gives you an easy start and finish every week. Wipe down all countertops and the sink, clean the mirror, restock the toilet paper, empty the garbage, clean the toilet and scrub the shower. Reminder: don’t forget about wiping the area around the bottom of the toilet extra well. This is the perfect place for bacteria, hair, lint, etc. to get trapped.ThursdayAh laundry, the never-ending story of adult life. Do a few loads of laundry to get this never ending chore off your list for the week. As a time saver, have hampers for each type of laundry (lights, darks, socks/underwear, etc) or hampers for each family member. This will reduce sorting time for those doing the laundry on laundry day! File any paperwork you have finished with into it’s appropriate location.FridayTackle your bedrooms and get ready for the weekend. Dust all furniture and around all picture frames. Wipe out windowsills to remove dust and/or pet hair. Vacuum and/or sweep and wash floors. Ensure all laundry is put away into dressers and/or closets.SaturdaySaturday is the perfect day to wash all the bedding in your home. So much bacteria can sit in your bedsheets without regular washing. Plus, who doesn’t sleep better in clean sheets? If its nice out, opt to use a clothes line to dry your clothes if you have access to one. The naturally fresh smell will guarantee a goodnights sleep.SundayNo chores today! Enjoy the day and relax!During the work week it can be tough to keep on top of your chores. We certainly hope this schedule will help to keep you on track and maybe even remind you of a few things you missed the last time you were cleaning!Share with us anything you would change or add to make this schedule work better for you!

  • 0 Are you ready for fall?

    Hard to believe it is fall already isn’t it? As you get back to your regular routine now that the summer time rush is over it can be overwhelming to make a plan to stay organized and keep your house in tip top shape. There are a lot of resources out there so here are some of the best tips combined in one place! This detailed list of fall chores that will have you prepared for winter in no time!Outdoor Cleaning Checklist: Clean and store your patio furniture, remove any cushions and umbrellas and store in a dry place. Organize any outdoor children’s toys and put them away. Check the paint on your fence, deck, railing, etc. For any peeling paint remove loose paint and reapply. Check the seals around all your windows and doors. If necessary, re-caulk to keep any cold drafts and moisture out. Inspect all doors and garage doors to be sure they close tightly. Replace weather stripping as needed. Drain and store all garden hoses. For those that have underground sprinklers, blow out water lines or hire someone to do so. Clear any debris from gutters on your house and also in downspouts. Have your chimney inspected and cleaned as necessary. Store all lawn tools and equipment in a dry place. Indoor Cleaning Checklist: Declutter and reorganize all closets. Always clean from top to bottom. Start with drapes, blinds, and windows and end with vacuuming around baseboards and in corners. Wash all walls. Dust, wash, rinse and dry. Vacuum furniture or hire a professional to clean couches and chairs as  necessary. Take light fixtures down and wash and dust all surfaces. Move all furniture and vacuum beneath and behind it. Pull your fridge and stove out from the wall to clean behind. Sweep and wash the floors, and walls behind the appliances. Inspect washer hoses to be sure they are secure and there are no cracks. Check dryer vent for any build-up of lint. Dryer vents can get clogged with lint and are a potential fire hazard. Book an appointment for carpet cleaning as needed. Wash all bedding including mattress pads, pillows, duvets, and comforters. Turn mattresses end to end. Remove everything from your kitchen cupboards and wipe them down. Reorganize and declutter as you put things away. Vacuum refrigerator condenser coil. . ​​   Deep cleaning and decluttering in the fall makes for a more relaxing winter. When spending so much time indoors during the cold season you and your family might as well be comfortable and relaxed!

  • 0 Our Must Have Fall Yard Clean Up Tips

    Can you believe fall is just around the corner? Hard to believe the summer has come and is almost gone already. The arrival of fall means it’s time to make a yard clean up plan and Perfection Cleaning is here to help you! We have compiled a list of our top 10 yard clean up tips: 1. Clean your eaves. Eaves are extremely important, especially in the winter, when the moisture really hits. Ensure there are no clogs to facilitate proper drainage. 2. Trim your trees and plants. This will keep your plants healthy and ensure they grow exceptionally well in the spring (plus it saves you time during spring yard clean up!). Perennial plants fall into this category and need to be cut back as well. 3. Mow your lawn. Before the snow flies mow your lawn at a shorter length than normal. You want to ensure your lawn gets maximum oxygen and cutting it short is the way to do that. 4. Complete maintenance on your yard equipment. Change the oil in your lawn mower and/or weed eater, ensure all the gas is used up, and grease your equipment. 5. Rake the leaves from your yard. Leaf clean up is necessary for the health of your lawn. Some leaves in your plant beds are beneficial for providing nutrients so don’t stress about cleaning every last one.6.  Weed the yard. Pulling weeds in the fall is a time saver come spring. 7. Fertilize. In the fall it is a great idea to fertilize the lawn to promote growth over the winter. You will see your grass turn green sooner in the spring. Fertilizing trees and shrubs is beneficial in the fall as well.  8. Save your sprinklers and hoses. Ensure all water is drained from hoses and store for the winter with your sprinklers. If you have underground sprinklers, ensure lines are clear to avoid any damage. 9. Clean up pet waste. There is nothing worse than having to clean up all fall and winter’s worth of waste when the snow melts so get a jump on it now. 10. Clean out any fruits and vegetables. Rotten fruits and veggies are the perfect home for insect eggs. Clean your garden out completely and avoid the mess in the spring. Enjoy the fall weather this year when you complete these 10 must-do outdoor chores.

  • 0 Camping Organization for Beginner and Experienced Campers

    • Bc
    • by Administrator
    • 07-04-2018

    Camping is a popular summer activity for many people. Along with camping comes dust, dirt, and disorganization from being on the go all the time. The disorganization that comes with camping is difficult for many to handle, myself included.If you feel the same this list is perfect for you!! Make a list. A list is a great way to make sure you don’t forget anything that you need. Include food, clothing, supplies, etc. Pre-pack all your gear. Storing all your camping supplies in large rubber totes will make your camping trips a breeze. Throw the totes in your vehicle and go. Plus, they are easy to store all year long!  Keep a list of the storage areas in your camper with the items located in the area. Update the list accordingly and organize by zone. Alternatively, organize items in small plastic totes with labels.  Use coffee cans for organization. Coffee cans are perfect to organize garbage bags, use as ashtrays or store plastic cutlery. Don’t forget the lights! Pack your lantern, candles, etc. This is an important one you don’t want to forget especially if you are tenting it. Pack in kits. Pack for each section of your camper or tent in a kit. For example, have a kitchen kit, a bathroom kit, a first aid kit, etc. This will keep everything you would need together and organized. Ensure you pack tarps and rope. Whether you are tenting it or camping in a camper these are essential items.  Organize the car for the trip by using a hanging seat organizer. Perfect for snacks, books, iPods and more!  Use command hooks inside your cabinets to hang small items. Save cupboard space by using nesting bowls and measuring spoons. Having kitchen supplies that will stack inside one another is a huge space saving trick. Camping doesn’t have to be a stressful occurrence. With some careful planning and organizing you can take care to enjoy your trip as much as your family will! Where is your favourite spot to camp?

  • 0 10 Steps on How to Declutter Your Summer!

    Summer is the perfect time to spend some time decluttering. Decluttering your space will leave you more time to spend outdoors enjoying the nice weather instead of searching for items every time you need something.Say goodbye to clutter quickly and painlessly with our favorite decluttering tips: Take 15 minutes every day to declutter. Short increments of time are much easier to find and commit to than long ones.   Donate clothing and household items you no longer use. Many people feel guilty about decluttering and “wasting” their stuff. Keep the guilt at bay knowing your items will not be going to waste. Create a daily to do list in a day planner or on a calendar. Adding decluttering to a to do list will keep you accountable and on track. Start on the side of the room by the door and work your way in. Work your way into a room and don’t give up until you have reached the other side of the room. Declutter an entire room before starting on another one. Include all closets, desks, cabinets, etc in the room in this rule. Minimalize your storage space. The less space you have the less stuff you will fill it up with. Here is a great example on how to save space! If you haven’t worn a clothing item for 6 months commit to donating it. Track the clothes you wear by turning all your hangers one direction to start. After you have worn an item turn the hanger the opposite way. Every 6 months you will easily see what items you were and which you don’t. Have someone else help you go through your things. Having an outside source with no attachment to the items can help you stay focused. Designate a spot for incoming papers. Incoming mail is a source of clutter for the majority of us. With a designated area to organize papers right away the clutter caused by them will be eradicated from your life. Make decluttering a family affair. Teach your kids to declutter and organize their items while you are doing the same with yours.   These 10 tips will make decluttering seem like a breeze and will transform you into a decluttering master in no time. Do you have any tips to share with us that work for well for you?

  • 0 Give your car that new car shine after a long winter!

    After winter your car can be a little worse for wear. I know I don’t clean my vehicle near as often as I should in the winter months…its just too cold outside! If you’re like me and spring is the time you overhaul your vehicle check out these tips from the pros!​Start with the vehicle’s exterior: Wash your vehicle in a shaded area when the surface is cool. When the surface is hot the soap will dry too quickly and stain. Pre-soak to remove any bugs, bird droppings or stains. Use liquid soap and a wash mitt or sponge to scrub the vehicle down. Check that the wash mitt is clean and free of debris from previous use or you could scratch your paint. Dish soap is an option but use sparingly as it can shorten the life of your paint. Automotive soap is available and is the best choice. Be sure to use a separate mitt for rims and tires to eliminate the chance of dirt particles scratching your paint. Wash one section at a time and then rinse so the soap doesn’t have a chance to dry.   Washing from top to bottom is always a great idea so you don’t make extra work for yourself. Rinse your mitt or sponge before you put it back in your bucket of soapy water. You want to start your car wash with clean water and end with clean water. Rinse your vehicle thoroughly. Any soap that is left behind can leave soap residue on your clear car. Wipe down the exterior with a cloth to avoid water spots. Then move on to the vehicle interior: As always with cleaner, test in a small, hidden area in case of any staining, etc. Don’t vacuum those hard to reach spots. Seems silly doesn’t it? Instead blow them out by connecting your vacuum hose to the vacuum outlet. Ideally toggle your power switch on and off to blow the debris just far enough out to be able to vacuum them. If you can believe it a paintbrush and a toothbrush are two of the best tools to use when cleaning the interior. They are great for those hard to reach spots, cracks and crevices. Vacuum as your brush to collect debris. Use a sturdy brush followed by a vacuum to remove debris from the carpet. When wiping down seatbelts only use diluted, mild laundry soap. Anything stronger can affect the integrity of the seat belt itself. Clean your windows inside and out with glass cleaner. Wiping down your dash panels, doors, etc. is as simple as a cloth dampened with water. All purpose cleaners can be used BUT be sure to dilute them first. Vinegar is a fantastic way to get rid of smells in your vehicle. Start with a 20:1 water to vinegar ratio. After cleaning your interior leave doors and windows open if possible to allow for full drying. As with the exterior start at the top and work your way to the bottom to avoid transfer of dirty particles to a clean area. These tips make fully cleaning your car seem like a breeze don’t they? Do you have any tips you would add to this list?